Welcome to the official website of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local No. 19. As a local chapter of the largest labor union in the entertainment industry, we encourage you to take a look around at our website and get to know the union that has proudly served the Baltimore, MD area since 1894. We specialize in providing well-trained, professional and reliable crews to each and every event we work. From lighting to sound, video, rigging, scenic carpentry and a/v, Local 19 does it all! Whether your event is a Broadway musical, rock concert, business conference or Opera, our members will exceed your expectations time and time again. The show must (and always does) go on with I.A.T.S.E. Local No. 19!
If you are looking for the best that Baltimore has to offer, and would like the peace of mind knowing that the most professional technicians are on your show or event, please contact our Business Agent, Michael Mixter right away to discuss working out an agreement.
CLICK HERE to view all of Local 19's Past Events and Classes